The key here is to examine the shadows in the notated images. Since this appears to be a daylight image, we can assume that the Sun is the only light source. At times other than mid-day when the Sun is directly overhead, objects can only cast ONE shadow since the Sun is the only light source. Shadows must be on the opposite side of any object on the ground. For large holes in the ground, the shadow must be down in the bottom of the hole, on the side nearest the sun. We shall see that the problems with these images is that there are shadows on BOTH sides of structures and objects above the ground.
* The large yellow arrow (right image, right edge) points to a straight line shadow. This shadow does NOT match the curved contour of the edge of this plateau just above it, as other shadows appear to match their nearby objects. This alone damages the credibility of both images.
* In the image on the left, the orange arrow is pointing to the supposed building's shadow. This is in conflict with the yellow arrows, which prove that a shadow cast by the building should be on the OTHER SIDE of the building. The yellow arrows appear to show this is a raised, plateau-like area as a result of these shadows. Even if this is not a plateau area, other shadows are still in conflict with each other.
* In the image on the right, I have added a blue arrow (center of the image) pointing to what appears to be a hole in the ground near the center of where the building was. Note the shadow at the top side of the apparent hole (center blue arrow.) Now look at the yellow arrows which seem to disagree with the shadow direction of this hole. At the top of the image, blue arrows indicate the shadows which should be on the opposite side. It's not necessary to know which shadows are right. Since these shadows conflict with each other, neither can logically be considered correct since there is no real point of reference.
* If this is a hole in the ground (center blue arrow, right) the shadow must appear on the side of the hole nearest the sun. If this is a raised structure above the ground, the shadow must be on the opposite side from the sun side. As this is supposed to be a site where a reactor building was destroyed, then the center blue arrow (right image) would probably be pointing to a hole in the ground. If this is true, the shadow is on the WRONG side of the hole with respect to the yellow arrows. No matter how you look at these images, the shadows are still wrong.
* Another problem which is even more obvious, is that this reactor building had no cooling tower or cooling pond. Reactors require extensive dissipation of generated heat into the surrounding environment. In the desert, this problem will be even more severe. Yet no means to cool this supposed reactor is visible. A cooling pond, lake or tower surely would have been constructed along with the building.
In short, there are numerous shadow conflicts (also visible among the yellow arrows) that tell us that BOTH of these images are FAKE. Most likely, these are photos which were quickly put together from more than one image, since the shadows are all wrong in both images.
Uncle needs to employ better graphic artists.
Ted Twietmeyer
Who can we trust now?
Fox News?
In days like these, the only one that we can trust is only our own logic and conscience.
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