Thursday 10 April 2008

Global Warming Might be a Myth

It would appear that global warming caused by CO2 output is, at best, sensationalist fantasy.

It seems that several facts have now come to light that debunk the idea that we're killing the environment with CO2 emissions:

The predicted tropospheric hotspots that had been predicted by the IPCC failed to appear. When climatologist Dr David Evans and Christopher Monckton found an error in the way that the IPCC had interpreted the Stefan-Boltzmann equation and applied a revised (corrected) factor to the workings, they discovered that the temperature rise was as little as a third of what the World's government think tank had predicted.

The IPCC's computer models, used to predict the effects of global warming, it appears, failed to accurately predict the influence that water vapour has on the temperature of the earth. At the global climate change summit in Bali late last year, Dr Roy Spencer presented a paper to the IPCC, saying that rather than CO2 driving the formation of water vapour, which then drives up temperatures as a greenhouse gas, water vapour actually washes excess CO2 out of the atmosphere, dampening and balancing its affect as a greenhouse gas. This discovery was made thanks to weather satellites that showed water vapour forms a lot lower in the atmosphere than was initially suggested. Shock horror, the finely balanced system that is the global ecosystem is able to keep itself in balance... who'd have thought it?!

Apparently the lead author of the IPCC chapter on feedback (the word used to describe what effect - negative or positive - a gas has on the temperature) has written to Dr Spencer, agreeing that he is right.

CO2 output has a point of diminishing returns anyway, apparently the common analogy is painting over a window: the first layer of paint has a big impact on the amount of light let through, while each subsequent layer has a less obvious impact. Meaning that, even without the dampening effect of water vapour, a 'tipping point' so often spoken about by alarmists like Al Gore, is actually a scientific impossibility.

A far more thorough summary is available in Owen McShane's column in the National Business Review (click here), which contains gems like this quote: "The delusion that by recycling and catching public transport we can help save the planet will quickly come to be seen for the childish nonsense it was all along."

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